Scripture readings for this reflection can be found at Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot | USCCB
In our
gospel for today we hear of the paralytic being healed and how his friends
didn’t let the crowd stop them from bringing him to the Lord to be healed. I
can only imagine the amused look on the Lord’s face seeing this paralytic being
lowered in front of him to be healed. These friends would do anything to help
their friend in need and they knew of the healing power of Jesus.
Jesus also
used this as a teaching moment for those around him. He could have just raised
his and healed the paralytic. Instead, he says, “Child, your sins are forgiven.” (Mark 2:15) The scribes right away accuse the Lord of blasphemy.
After all, who can forgive sins except for God. The Lord Jesus Christ, being
true God and true man, has that power to forgive sins. The scribes and those
around Jesus only saw Jesus, the man. They were unable to know yet that Jesus
was also true God. And this is one of the many healings that started to get
Jesus in trouble with the Jewish leaders. They viewed him as only a man. They
were too blind to believe that Jesus was Messiah and God.
We, like the
friends of this paralytic, can also turn to Jesus for our own healing and the
healing of those we hold dear. We have many issues and concerns in our lives
that we need to bring to Jesus for help and healing. Further, there are those
friends and family members that we are concerned about that need physical or
spiritual healing. We can bring these concerns to the Lord in prayer. In
effect, we are placing our concerns and the concerns of our family and friends
at the feet of Jesus for healing.
With each day, as we approach the Lord in prayer, let us pray for ourselves, for our own physical and spiritual healing, and for those in our family that may be suffering from illness or are spiritually away from God for whatever reason. Let us ask the Lord for the gift of healing for all our concerns. The Lord will work his healing in ways that will be best for all those we are praying for. Then we too can say, as the people in today’s Gospel said, “We have never seen anything like this.” (Mark 2:12)