Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral
June 19, 2010
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Are we hiding from God?
Readings for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time can be found at http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/061018.cfm
In the first reading from Genesis we hear the familiar story of Adam and Eve eating from the tree of life and death. The prohibition was to protect Adam and Eve from some of the hurtful consequences of eating from that tree, death being one of them. But the man and woman ignore God's protective word and listen to the word of another who is not at all concerned with their welfare.
Realizing their mistake and fearing God because they were naked, they attempt to hide from God. Before their rejection of God's command, they were comfortable with God's presence. Now they feel shame and hid from His presence.
And what do they do when God approaches them? They start shifting the blame to others. At first, when God presented the woman to Adam, Adam was grateful and satisfied at finding someone he can share his life with. Now, after eating the forbidden fruit, facing God, accuses the woman of giving him the fruit, calling her instead "the woman you put here with me", as if it was God's fault for putting her there with Adam.
Then there's Eve, with Adam pointing his accusing finger at her, pointing her finger at the serpent for getting them into this mess to begin with. The serpent gets his just reward from God for tempting Adam and Eve as he did. "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers...", (Genesis 3:15) but ultimately Adam and Eve have to take responsibility for their actions in disobeying God.
How often in the mistakes of our lives do we point the blame to others, rather than taking on the responsibility ourselves?
The message of Adam and Eve is that we are always to be open to God's promptings in our lives. We are to do what is right, according to God's Will, in all the circumstances of our lives, no matter how difficult. We are to be obedient to His Will for us to love Him, and to love others in our lives. We are never to turn away from God and ignore Him. He's there for us in our gatherings on Sunday, and in Scripture. In all our decisions of our lives we are to act as God would have us act.
Keep God in the center of all you do. And, when you sin and turn away from Him, don't be afraid to turn back to him in repentance and ask His forgiveness.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Carmel in Flemington, New Jersey
This past Sunday on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi I had the privilege of leading a Holy Hour for the Carmelite Nuns in Flemington, New Jersey.
The quiet and peace of this place is still with me today, almost a week after being there. Their love of the Lord in their routine of prayer and solitude is something that is wonderful to see and witness.
These beautiful women are called to live a life of prayer. Their day includes quiet time in prayer and contemplation, praying in community the Liturgy of the Hours, Daily Mass, and work that helps sustain and support their way of life. The focus of all their activity is on our Lord Jesus Christ.
We can learn from these servants of God on how to live our lives in the secular world. In our busy lives we need to find a way to have Jesus at the center of all we do. We need to make time throughout the day to remain focused. Sometimes we are so busy and worried about getting things done in our lives, that we forget that Jesus is present in every situation in our lives.
Though we can't live in a monastery like the Nuns do, what we can do is try to imitate them in how we carry out our day. We can and should make time to pray Scripture during the day, whether in the morning over our cup of coffee or in the evening before or after dinner. If possible, try to attend daily mass at a nearby church. If we can't attend daily mass, we can use the scriptures assigned for mass that day as a way of sanctifying our day and keeping focused in the fact that we are always in the presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
If you wish more information on the Carmelites in Flemington, New Jersey, you can go to their website https://flemingtoncarmel.org/home/welcome-page/ and get that information. If you're able, take time to go and visit them. I'm sure also that they would appreciate any financial contribution you can afford to give.
Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever!
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