Scripture readings for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time can be found at
Our readings for today are very challenging for us as Christians to follow. It's about things that would normally go against our nature. It's about forgiving those in our lives that we really hate or are at odds with.
In our first reading from Samuel, we hear of the ongoing problem between Saul and David. At this point in scripture, David is running for his life since, out of jealously, King Saul wants to kill David. David has the opportunity to kill Saul, but instead allows Saul to live and shows forgiveness and love to Saul. Because of David sparing the life of Saul, Saul comes to be reconciled with David.
In our gospel for today, Jesus is teaching us to do some very difficult things if we are to be His followers. "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you," "To the person who strikes you, offer your other cheek," "do to others as you would have them do to you," "Stop judging and you will not be judged", and the list goes on and on. I know for myself, there are people in my life that I want nothing to do with. I find it hard to be forgiving and loving towards them. I find them annoying and the type of people I want nothing to do with. These are the people that I am called to love and treat kindly.
Is it easy? No! Is it something that the Lord is calling me to do? Yes.
There's a priest that I know that would preach on this, and say that these words and instructions from Jesus can be very liberating! We don't have to LIKE the people in our lives, but we do have to LOVE them. He would go on further to say that it's always best to love and forgive the people in your live that bother you since holding onto hatred and revenge can be damaging to our spiritual and emotional health. He went on further to say that just because you are forgiving them, you don't need to keep them in your life. Forgive them, but out of your own spiritual growth and well being, keep your distance. Forgive them and love them. But avoid that near occasion of sin by keeping your distance from those who would only upset you and cause you to get angry.
Is it easy to forgive? No! But by doing so and praying for those that need your prayer, you will be able to get closer to God, and be able to fulfill your calling to be a follower of Christ!
Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral
June 19, 2010
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.
The scripture readings for today's Mass can be found at
Today's gospel reading for Mass is from the gospel of St. Mark and it contains one of my most favorite encouragements from Jesus: “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31) The apostles just returned from the mission Jesus sent them on to the nearby villages, giving them authority over unclean spirits, and telling them to preach about repentance. The healing power of God was with them, and they were able to expel demons and cure the sick.
Upon returning to Jesus, they reported all they had done in the name of the Lord God. Then Jesus, knowing that they were tired, invited them to go away to rest and be one with God.
It's important for all of us to make time to be alone with God. For me, my favorite time to be alone with God is early in the morning. I have my usual place where I take out my breviary (the daily prayer book that priests, deacons and religious use to pray the psalms with) and have my coffee ready, and light a candle, and place a crucifix in front of me to help me to focus on our Lord. This time of praying scripture and meditating on the word of God helps me to be open to what God is trying to tell me that morning. It helps remind me that no matter what may happen that day, God will always be present.
I would like to encourage everyone to make that special time to be alone with God. It doesn't have to be in the morning. It could be any time of the day when you can get away and be quiet. Set up a place at home, if you're able, where you can just sit with your bible or prayer book, and just focus on what God is trying to teach you that day. Once you get into that habit of being alone with God, I think you will find that peace that can only come from a close relationship with Him who made you.
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