Scripture readings for this reflection can be found at Saturday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time | USCCB
In our gospel for today we hear of the excitement the apostles had in all that they were doing in their ministry for the Lord. They came to Jesus and reported everything they did. Jesus, seeing not only the good they were doing, but also saw the need for them to step back from their ministry to others and to minister to themselves, "Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." (Mark 6:31)
Our Lord was worried that they may "burn out" with all they were doing. He also knew the importance of taking time to be alone with God in prayer and meditation. This is good advice for all of us, whether we're in active ministry (whether clergy or lay ministry) or just ministering to our family in the day-to-day concerns with caring for those we love. Often, it's hard to get away for any extended time, for instance a weekend retreat. But if we plan out our days to incorporate a little time to be in that "deserted place" with God in order to pray and meditate on scripture, or to just be alone with God, to share with him all your cares and concerns, he will refresh your soul to be able to continue your service to Him and to those you love.
Make time each day to be with God and start each time with Him with the words from Psalm 23, "The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want."