Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral
June 19, 2010

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Divine Mercy Sunday

Scripture readings for today's reflection can be found at http://usccb.org/bible/readings/041215.cfm

In today's gospel we hear about the frightened disciples hiding out in the upper room. With all that has happened since Good Friday, they are terrified that what has happened to Jesus will happen to them as well. They secure themselves in the upper room, they lock themselves in, and think they are protected from those who killed Jesus on that Good Friday. Then all of a sudden, what seems to be out of nowhere, Jesus appears! Are they seeing things? This frightened them even more, seeing what appears to be the one they loved and admired right before their eyes, even though they knew he was killed!

The first words out of the mouth of Jesus was, “Peace be with you.” (John 20:21) They are comforted by Jesus, who was truly present and risen from the dead, and they are commissioned by Jesus with the power of the Holy Spirit to forgive sins and to bring others to faith in Him. Jesus says, "Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” (John 20:23).

In this gospel we have St. Thomas, who must have thought they were going off the deep end when they started telling him that Jesus was alive and risen from the dead! He had a hard time believing the whole story. Then Jesus gives Thomas a great gift! Thomas gets to touch the risen Jesus!

Jesus invites Thomas to “Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.” (John 20:27) Thomas responds with, "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28). Then Jesus prays for you and me, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed." (John 20:29)

We are called to take the gift of faith we have in Jesus and share it with others in our lives. Let's bring Jesus to all those in our lives that we know and love (and even to those we don't care much for). Let's proclaim that Jesus Christ is our Lord and our God!

Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever.

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