Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral
June 19, 2010

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

“A savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord.” Luke 2:11

This week we celebrate with joy the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who is Messiah and Lord! With all this hustle and bustle and shopping during this time of year, we have to remember that Jesus is the “reason for the season!”
In the gospel of Saint Luke that we will hear read during Midnight Mass (Luke 2:1-14), the story of Jesus is characterized by simplicity and reserve. In it we hear of a decree from Caesar Augustus, calling for a nationwide census. Traditionally, people hated a census because its real purpose was to raise taxes and increase the military inscription. Though this information in Luke’s gospel is not historically accurate, it serves the purpose to get Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem so that Jesus can be born in the city of David, which was a requirement for the Messiah. The birth itself is simply stated with few details.
The first people to hear about the Messiah were not the national and religious leaders. Instead, angels appear to shepherds and inform them what has happened in the city of David. Shepherds were at the bottom of the social ladder and almost the last people that one would expect to be the recipients of such wondrous news. The fact that angels delivered the announcement of Jesus’ birth underscored the importance of what was happening, the possibility of peace on earth.
In Jesus, we see the fulfillment of God’s promises made throughout human history. Jesus brings not only personal salvation and transformation, but also establishment of God’s kingdom where all people can live in harmony, justice, and peace. As God honored poor simple shepherds with the news of the birth of Jesus, God continues to honor all people with that news today.

God calls on us, not merely to observe and celebrate the birth of Jesus, but to manifest the kingdom through our actions. During this Christmas season, go and share the Good News of the presence of Jesus in your life with those who you love the most.

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