Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral
June 19, 2010

Friday, December 6, 2019

St. Nicholas

The Scripture readings for today can be found at http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/120619.cfm
You may remember a movie from a while back called “Miracle on 34th Street” where the Macy’s Santa Claus was accused of being crazy for claiming to be the real Santa Claus. As the movie progressed there was a trial where there were people that were brought forward to testify one way or other of the true existence of Santa Claus. Eventually Santa won and it was conceded by the court that Sant was real.

Well, I didn’t need to see that movie to help me believe in the existence of Santa Claus. Today we celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas, of whom the legend Santa Claus was based. St. Nicholas was a 4th century bishop of Myra in Asia Minor. He was most noted for his charity towards those in his area. There was a story where a father of three daughters did not have enough money for their dowry. The father was too proud to ask for charity for his girls, but this would result in their not getting married. St. Nicholas hearing of this went to their house under cover of night and threw a purse full of money through an open window. He did this for three nights, one for each girl, thus helping them to have a dowry to get married.

This is but one story of St. Nicholas’ generosity. His fame spread throughout Europe and Russia. The name Santa Claus evolved from Dutch traditions, where in Dutch he was called Sinterklaas, and later as time went on, he was called Santa Claus.

Through his generosity towards all he met, I’m sure St. Nicholas was very familiar with today’s gospel of the two blind men seeking sight. Central to their receiving their sight was the fact that they had faith in Jesus Christ. Once they received their sight, they shared their knowledge of Jesus Christ throughout the land. St. Nicholas, too, with his faith in Jesus Christ, and by his generosity towards those who were poor, spread the love of Jesus to all those he encountered.

During this time of Advent as we prepare for the birthday of Jesus in Bethlehem, let us be like St. Nicholas and share our faith in God with others through generosity and love.

1 comment:

  1. Very good. In studying & keeping in mind the example of the generous St. Nicholas there will be no contradiction or competition between Santa Claus & the true meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of CHRIST. St. Nicholas was a joyful, humble & generous giver, giving to those in need in secret. God gave us the greatest gift in giving us His Son, JESUS CHRIST. JESUS CHRIST, the Incarnate Son of God humbled Himself to become one of us, to be born in a stable/cave & give His very life to us not only throughout His public ministry but especially through His suffering & death on the Cross to save us. Though we may never see Santa Claus come down the chimney, we can emulate the generosity of St. Nicholas and, like St. Nicholas, a faithful follower of JESUS CHRIST, unite our giving with the example of our loving & generous God Who gave us the greatest Gift of all at Christmas.
