Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral
June 19, 2010

Friday, February 7, 2020

John the Baptist & Herod

The scripture readings for today's reflection can be found at http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/020720.cfm
In our gospel for today we hear of the familiar story of how John the Baptist told the truth of God’s law to Herod that he should not be living in an adulterous relationship with Herodias, the wife of King Herod’s brother. John would tell Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.”  (Mark 6:18) As a result, Herodias was angry at John and held a grudge against him, until one day she found a way to get rid of John.

Herod, on a certain level, must have felt that John was right. Scripture tells us that Herod feared John and knew him to be a righteous and holy man. He even liked to hear John speak. God was attempting to speak to Herod through John to turn away from his sinfulness and to turn to God.

As it turns out, Herod was week and lacked backbone.  He was more concerned with his reputation and keeping his promise, made in front of his guests, when he told Herodias’ daughter, “Ask of me whatever you wish, and I will grant it to you.” (Mark 6:22) Herod immediately regretted his words when, prompted by her mother, she asked to have John’s head placed on a platter.

We have in this gospel two ways to live. The first is as John the Baptist lived. God was central to John’s life and he wasn’t afraid to speak the truth about how to live according to God’s laws to others, even if it meant losing his life. We, too, are called to share the truth of God’s love and commandments with all those that are in our lives, whether they’re family or friends. This may cause us some difficulty, but we can’t compromise the truth of how to live according to God’s law, as taught to us through our Catholic faith.

The other way to live mentioned in today’s Gospel is how Herod lived. He heard the word of God, through John the Baptist, but was afraid to embrace God’s law that was being proclaimed to him by John. He was wrapped up in his reputation and how he appeared to others. As a result, he lacked the courage to turn away from sin in order to follow God’s law.

We are called to have the courage to live out our faith in God in truth and honesty, as John did, not fearing what can happen to us for proclaiming this truth of God’s law. Let us ask God for the courage that John had to follow Him in a way that’s pleasing to Him and beneficial to us and to those in our lives. 

1 comment:

  1. The "world" would have us focus on cultivating our REPUTATION--how we appear to others on the OUTSIDE. The LORD wants us to focus on cultivating our CHARACTER--who we truly are on the INSIDE, by growing in our relationship with Him & following His laws & His Word, nourished by the Mass & the sacraments.
