Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral
June 19, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2021

Here comes that master dreamer


The scripture readings for this reflection can be found at Friday of the Second Week of Lent | USCCB

Our readings for today focus on problems in relationships, both in the family and at the workplace. We hear of envy, jealousy, and murder.

In our first reading from Genesis, we hear of the envy and jealousy within the family of Israel. We hear of the love Israel has for Joseph because he was the child of his old age. The brothers hated Joseph for this and felt jealous because of the father’s favoritism towards him.  Further, they hated him even more for the dreams he told them that he had. In one of these dreams, Joseph said he had a vision of the family bringing in the harvest. In the dream, all his brothers bowed down before Joseph. They truly resented hearing this and hated him even more. Due to their hatred of Joseph, they conspired to try to kill him, but eventually decided to sell Joseph into slavery and Joseph was brought to Egypt.  Later in Genesis the brothers came to Egypt during a time of famine in search of food. It was there in Egypt, where Joseph rose to an important position with Pharaoh, that they were able to receive reconciliation and forgiveness. 

In the parable from today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us of the jealousy and envy of the tenant farmers towards the owner. They are not satisfied with the arrangement they have with the owner, but rather envies what he has and resorts to killing even the owner’s son just so they can inherit the land upon the owner’s death. The chief priests and Pharisees realize that Jesus is talking about them in this parable and, as a result, feels threatened by Jesus and wants to put him to death.

Feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred can lead us away from our relationship with God. We may not go to the extreme of killing those we are envious or jealous of, but it takes away our peace and it hurts our relationships with those in our lives. In all our relationships, whether it’s within our family, or at the workplace, or wherever you come into contact with people on a regular basis, in all situations, we are to have the love and respect for those that God has placed in our lives.

As we continue our journey through Lent, let us remember to turn away from hatred, jealousy, and envy, and pray for those people in our lives. Let us ask God for the grace to have patience and love for all those in our lives, even for those that we seem to have trouble loving as God would have us love.


1 comment:

  1. I have always loved the story of JOSEPH & felt a connection with him, not because of any family issues but because as a child & as a teenager I was sometimes ostracized by my peers. I especially love how God worked everything out after a long time of JOSEPH's bearing unjust suffering & how he forgave his brothers & told them that although they meant evil, God allowed everything to happen that way for a very good purpose of making him instrumental in saving not only his own family but all the people of the known world at that time. His words are the Old Testament parallel & equivalent of Romans 8:28 in the New Testament.
    JOSEPH prefigured JESUS CHRIST & I have always been disappointed that Our LORD was born from the tribe of Judah instead of descending from JOSEPH, because JOSEPH would have been a much more worthy ancestor. But I guess maybe it was because God disapproves of bigamy & polygamy so Our LORD had to come from Jacob's first wife Leah, while JOSEPH was the son of Jacob's second & beloved & preferred wife, Rachel.
    YES, envy, jealousy & competitiveness are all too human traits & we have to guard against them. Most of us would never murder anyone but it is still very easy for even the best of us to allow these feelings & resentment creep in our lives.
    There is a story of a very Holy priest who was either a monk or a friar. Demons tried all sorts of ways to tempt him with various sins of the flesh, but he remained pure, holy, spotless & sinless. But then the devil said he had one more temptation that was sure not to fail. The devil whispered in the Holy priest's ear, "Your brother has just been made a bishop". The priest then experienced envy & resentment.
