Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral
June 19, 2010

Friday, January 21, 2022

He appointed Twelve, whom he named Apostles


The scripture readings on this Memorial of St. Agnes can be found at Memorial of Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr | USCCB

In our gospel for today we hear Jesus appointing the 12 apostles to be his followers and to go forth to preach and to drive out demons. It is from these 12 apostles that we have the foundation of our church: one holy, Catholic, and apostolic. The Catholic Church traces her roots back to Jesus and to these 12 men.

They were appointed to work with Jesus to bring the Good News of God’s salvation to the world. They were involved in every aspect of Jesus’ ministry of preaching and healing. They were 12 ordinary men, mainly fishermen, with no real formal education. But these were the ones that Jesus chose to bring the good news of salvation to the world. As we hear throughout the Gospels, they weren’t perfect. They were just ordinary men with the shortcomings that we all have.

Peter, the first among them, was known to have a short temper. James and John, the sons of Thunder, were looking for ways to move up in importance among the apostles. At one point they turned to Jesus and asked to sit at His left and right hands when He came into His kingdom. Then we have Judas who turned out to be traitor and turned Jesus into the authorities for 30 pieces of silver. These were the men that Jesus turned to for help in order to bring salvation into the world. Regular, everyday people with flaws and problems.

Jesus loved them all and was always ready to forgive them for their sinfulness and shortcomings. After His resurrection, Our Lord forgave Peter for his three-fold denial of knowing Jesus. Further, our Lord would have even forgiven Judas for his betrayal had Judas really understood the love Jesus had for him.

Like the apostles, Jesus is calling all of us to bring the good news of His salvation to those in our lives, even when we fall short and are sinful. We are to turn to Jesus for forgiveness and then we are to share this good news of Jesus’ love and forgiveness with our families and friends. We are to share this good news by either talking about our faith with those in our lives, or by simply being good examples of what it means to be a Christian living in a sinful world. This is how the good news of Jesus Christ is shared in our world: by simple, everyday people attempting to live out our lives as followers of Jesus Christ for the whole world to see.  Lord Jesus, help us in our journey of faith in you and help us to keep you as the center of all we do. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. YES, Our LORD called very human people who had flaws & weaknesses & who would have seemed unremarkable without the power & grace imparted to them through the Holy Spirit. Our LORD still calls us--not as apostles,but He calls men, women & children as disciples--to follow Him & build up His Kingdom here on earth. We, too, have our individual flaws & weaknesses as well as our gifts. Most of us would appear unremarkable. But although by ourselves we can do nothing, we, too, have received His Holy Spirit at Baptism & Confirmation & can & should allow the Holy Spirit to work in us so we can help build up the Kingdom of GOD on earth by following GOD'S calling on our lives & using our GOD-given gifts & talents in the context of our everyday lives by our service & the witness of our example & our words.
