Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral
June 19, 2010

Thursday, March 3, 2022

“Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them…”


Scripture readings for this reflection can be found at Ash Wednesday | USCCB

Today, the first day of Lent, we as a church start our 40-day journey of prayer, fasting and penance. It’s a time where we take time out of our busy lives and make time to reflect on our relationship with God as we move towards Holy Week with the Institution of the Holy Eucharist on Holy Thursday, followed by the betrayal of Jesus in Gethsemane by Judas, the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday, and His glorious resurrection on Easter.

During this time of Lent in preparation for Holy Week and Easter, we are to reflect on how we live out our lives as followers of Jesus Christ. Our Lord in today’s gospel is teaching us to do these acts of prayer, fasting and penance in a way that only God can see. We are not to brag about these things that we do during Lent to others, but we do them to grow closer to the Lord and to become more pleasing to Him in all we do. It’s more than just giving up something for Lent. It's about how we can improve ourselves spiritually in the eyes of God. We don’t pray, fast, and do penance to show other people how good we are, we do it to be pleasing to God in all we do.

During this time of Lent, our Lord is calling us to make more time for Him by the daily reading and mediation on scripture.  By spending 10 to 15 minutes of time mediating on scripture each day we will grow more aware of where the Lord is leading us in our lives and our relationship with Him. If you don’t have time to spend 10 to 15 minutes in one sitting to be alone with God, spread it out during the day. By spreading quiet time and reflection on scripture throughout the day, you will be making the day more God centered and pleasing to Him as our Creator.

Finally, make time during Lent to go to confession and take your shortcomings and sins to the Lord for forgiveness. It is in the sacrament of confession that we can be healed of our sinfulness and grow closer and more pleasing to God.

Take this time during Lent to make it fruitful. Ask God for the strength and humility to have Him as the center of all you do during this Lent, and then you will have a joyful Easter knowing that you pleased God during this time of preparation during Lent.

1 comment:

  1. Very good homily. Good idea about asking the LORD to help us put Him at the center of everything we are doing. The LORD knows my mixed motives & I need His help to make Lent more about HIM.
    I must confess that Lent provides me with an opportunity to work on a personal goal. I need to lose weight & if I have the added impetus of eating fewer sweets for Lent it is easier to practice self discipline than at other times of the year. I was already overweight before the pandemic related quarantine 2 years ago, but during that time I gained some extra pounds that I have been unable to lose. So if I could lose 10 pounds by Easter for both my health & my personal appearance, that would be a bonus!
    Good Counsel Homes has a daily e-mail meditation that I am receiving & reading in addition to my regular e-mails from you & from Franciscan Media.
