Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral
June 19, 2010

Friday, April 14, 2023

So the disciple Jesus loved said, “It is the Lord.”

Scripture readings for this reflection can be found at Friday in the Octave of Easter | USCCB

All week, during this Easter Octave, we hear of the Resurrection stories of the Lord. In today’s gospel we hear of Peter, Thomas, Nathaniel, and the others attempting to go back to what they considered a normal life. During the night of fishing, they caught nothing. It was only when the Lord came to the shore and told them to cast the net over the right side that they caught the huge amount of fish. Realizing that it was the Lord, Peter couldn’t wait to get to the shore by boat, he just jumped into the water to swim to Jesus. He was so anxious to see Jesus that he just swam to the Lord.

The Lord had changed their life so much that they couldn’t imagine a life without him. Encountering the Risen Lord helped confirm their relationship with God and as a result, the world changed. They would end up going throughout the world to share the Good News of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus for the salvation of the world from sin.

There are times when we, like the disciples, may feel the Lord is not present in our lives. We attempt to do things that are part of our usual routine. It’s during these times when we don’t feel the Lord’s presence that he is just beyond our reach. He’s there by the shore of our lives telling us not to give up. He calls us each day to come to him and keep him in the center of who we are. We, like Peter, are called to rush to the Lord. The Lord is waiting for us to reach out to him in prayer and to reach out to him often in receiving him in Holy Communion.

During these joyful days in celebrating the Lord’s resurrection, let us always remember that he’s always there to give us comfort and peace in all our troubles.

The Lord is Risen. Indeed he is risen.

1 comment:

  1. From Arlene B. Muller

    Yes, very often we get caught up in the events & routines of daily life & even our prayer seems routinized & we do not necessarily FEEL the LORD'S PRESENCE, even though we are committed to following Him. The LORD promises in His Word that He is with us & that He will never leave us or forsake us. We just need to reach out & ask Him to help us become more aware of His Presence & His working in our lives. Often He is working things for our good in ways we don't realize & we just need a new perspective.
    On Palm Sunday this year (almost 2 weeks ago) I was in a car accident on my way to noon Mass at St. Margaret's Church, where I sing in the choir. Thank the LORD no one was hurt, both cars were still driveable despite significant body damage, & we were able to exchange information & did not have to wait for the police since no one was hurt. I had left my home extra early that day to allow for extra time to find parking on a day when Masses are usually more crowded & to be in the choir loft to practice THE HOLY CITY, which we sing on every Palm Sunday. Further down the road there was a roadblock so I had to make a U turn & take another route to Church. Then in looking for a close parking spot I missed spots that were there & wound up having to circle around twice to find parking. Instead of arriving about 20 minutes before Mass I arrived only about 5 minutes before Mass. To "add insult to injury" the choir loft had been cleaned & my bag of music that I keep under my chair & my JOIRNEYSONGS hymnal & RESPOND & ACCLAIM Psalm Book were in different places & I had to hunt for them & ask people's help to find them. I already felt stressed & shaky from the accident but everything together added to my stress & I had to struggle to keep my composure. Eventually at the last minute my music was found. But when we were singing the Psalm "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU ABANDONED ME?" I was relating to that sentiment, even though, in retrospect, my struggles were miniscule in contrast to all that Our LORD suffered in His Passion! All I wanted to do was to get to Mass early & enjoy singing in the choir with my fellow choir members & enhance the liturgy, & I was encountering all these obstacles!! Why did GOD let all these things happen??
    I still don't know why these things happened (possibly some demonic interference), but as days went by I realized how the LORD WAS PRESENT & TAKING GOOD CARE OF ME.
    First, both the other driver & I were alive & neither of us were injured.
    Second, my car remained driveable & I was still able to get to Mass on time.
    Third, both drivers are insured by GEICO & our claims are being handled expeditiously.
    Fourth, because the other driver had the STOP sign & I had the right of way (apparently he had stopped but hadn't seen me, maybe because of a slight incline in the road, but he proceeded into the intersection & didn't stop), he was deemed 100% liable so the settlement is coming from HIS coverage & my insurance rates will not go up.
    Fifth, I will get somewhere around $4000-$5000 (the damage exceeds 75% of the value of my 2006 Kia Optima so I can either put the money toward purchasing a new car or take the smaller amount to pay for the repairs myself. )(The adjuster's estimate of the cost of damages is close to the smaller amount I can receive for keeping & repairing my car, but my decision will be based on how much my mechanic would charge me & whether he sees any other problems with the workings of my car, either now or "down the road").
    So although in the harrowing hour or so on Palm Sunday it felt as if the LORD had turned away from me, His hand was definitely upon me (a few people said my Guardian Angel was looking out for me) & He had never ceased being Present & helping me!
