Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Ordination at St. Patrick's Cathedral
June 19, 2010

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Mary went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and then reported what he had told her.


Scripture readings for today's reflection can be found at Tuesday in the Octave of Easter | USCCB.

In our gospel for today, we see Mary, full of grief, weeping before the tomb of the Lord. She first encounters the angels who ask why she is weeping. She tells them of her concern that she's unable to find the body of the Lord. Then something wonderful happens: she encounters the Risen Lord. At first, she doesn't recognize Jesus. Then he calls her by name: "Mary!" She then recognized the Lord. She's overwhelmed with joy and Jesus asks her to share the good news of his resurrection with the disciples.

 We all have that encounter with the Lord during our times of prayer, but most importantly when we attend Mass. We encounter Jesus each time the priest holds up the Host and says, "Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world." It's at this point of Mass that Jesus is calling each one of us by our names, inviting us to go forward to Holy Communion. Then we encounter Jesus in a most profound way by receiving Him in Holy Communion. As Mary embraced Jesus when she encountered him at the tomb, we are embracing Him in a very special way when the priest or deacon raises the host to us and says, "The Body of Christ!"  As we consume Christ in Holy Communion, we are embracing him in a very intimate way. He enters into us in a very special way since we're receiving Him Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

At the end of Mass, after the dismissal, we, too, are called to bring Christ to those others in our lives. We are to tell everyone we meet, "I have seen the Lord." We, like Mary, are to bring the good news of Christ's resurrection to all those we meet. The good news of the Resurrection of the Lord is meant for everyone. So, be not afraid to proclaim to anyone, "I have seen the Lord!"

1 comment:

  1. From Arlene B. Muller

    Wow! I never made the connection between St. Mary Magdalene encountering the Risen LORD in person with Mass & receiving Holy Communion before, but it is true that although He is hidden under the appearance of bread in the Sacred Host held up by the priest, deacon or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion we are encountering the Risen LORD in a very intimate way because we are receiving Him: Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity.
    I definitely believe in the Real Presence of Our LORD in the Eucharist & I am privileged to serve as an EM & be part of that encounter between each person receiving Him in Holy Communion & the LORD Himself in the Sacred Host.
    This is a good reminder, because it is so easy to take the privilege of receiving Him for granted, especially at times when we are singing in the choir & receive Him rather hurriedly between singing the Communion Hymn and the choral Communion/Post Communion Meditation Hymn.
