Scripture readings for this reflection can be found at Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter | USCCB
In our gospel for today we hear the
familiar story of the Risen Lord at the seashore with Peter and the other
apostles. As we recall, Peter, the night Jesus was arrested, denied the Lord
three times, as Jesus had predicted during the Last Supper. Peter ran off to be
by himself once he realized His betrayal of His Lord and Master.
Now, here he is facing Jesus, the one he
denied. Yet, the Lord still loves Peter. The Lord see that Peter was regretful
of his betrayal, and Jesus forgives him. To counter the three denials of Peter,
Jesus asks, “"Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Jesus then invites
Peter to “feed my sheep.” The Lord, during this encounter with Peter, was
showing to Peter his love and forgiveness. Peter was indeed forgiven for the
betrayal of Jesus during the time leading up to the Lord’s crucifixion.
Peter would go on, as the first Pope,
with the help of the other apostles, to bring the Good News of salvation throughout
the world.
On Pentecost, just 10 days after the Lord
Ascended to heaven, the Apostles would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Still frighted in the upper room for fear of the Jews, the disciples receive
the gifts of the Holy Spirt and boldly go to proclaim that salvation can be
found in Jesus Christ.
The love Jesus has towards Peter is the
same love he has towards all of us. Peter deeply regretted denying Jesus. We,
when we sin, in effect, are denying Jesus. We then can turn back to Jesus in
the Sacrament of Confession and receive forgiveness of our sins. In confession,
Jesus asks us, “Do you love me?” Then, we, like Peter, tell Jesus, “Lord, you
know that I love you.” We will then be forgiven for our sins and then we are
able to go into the world to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to all.
Let us seek out Jesus and his love in
confession and receive him frequently in Holy Communion. It is then that we,
like the apostles, can go into the world to share our faith in the Risen Lord.
From Arlene B. Muller
ReplyDeleteI LOVE "The Lord, during this encounter with Peter, was showing to Peter his love and forgiveness", AND "The love Jesus has towards Peter is the same love he has towards all of us", AND "We will then be forgiven for our sins and then we are able to go into the world to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to all."
PRAISE YOU, LORD, FOR YOUR GREAT LOVE FOR US IN SPITE OF OUR FAULTS, WEAKNESSES & IMPERFECTIONS. Help us always to receive & remember Your great love for us, to respond by loving You in return, & to go out & share the Good News of Your great love & mercy & demonstrate Your love in our encounters with everyone You place in our path. AMEN.